Hand tool designed for filling of through holes in Printed Circuit Boards
Function: The paste is stored inside this tool and is pressed through the holes of the PCB's with compressed air, which is controlled by a foot switch. You simply control the compressed air as you slowly fill the holes. This is a "one step" process and there is no risk of getting air bubbles inside the holes. When you are finished, the Power Squeegee PS 300 is stored in the refrigerator.
The inks for this process are
- Silver Paste (Conductive)ps100
- Copper Paste (Conductive)
- Epoxy Fill (Non-conductived)
Technical data
- Length: approx. 4.3"
- Diameter: 2.56"
- Weight: approx. 2.5 lbs (including Paste)
- Paste Capacity: 200g ( Silver Paste)
- Material: Stainless Steel
- Partial Plugging of Holes
- No more waste from the very valuable Silver Paste
- No clean up or change from the paste to storage containers
- Using of up to 100 lbs pressure to push the paste through very high aspect ratio (1:30) boards
- No direct contact between the compressed air and the paste
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